


  • ドメインは.sz
  • 道路番号にはMRが付いている
  • 電柱はこげ茶色っぽい細い木でできていることが多い
  • ナンバープレートの下が黄緑色に見える
  • 標高が低いローベルトは平地が多いかつ国全体が斜めになっているので、ローベルトの道路上にいる時は南北方向は遠くまで景色が見えて東西は遠くまで見えないことが多い
  • レソトと異なり標高が高い場所では林業が行われており、同じ種類の木が並んでいる様子が見られるはず


Grasslands like this, with thin grass, are widespread .

License plates appear white and lime green .
Note that similar colors are used for plates in central South Africa.


By User: Bgabel at wikivoyage shared, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

By Dickelbers - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The western region is mountainous (elevation 1500m), while the eastern region is lowland (elevation 200m), giving the country a sloping terrain.


  • The country is divided into Highveld, Middleveld, and Lowveld based on elevation, with distinct agricultural practices in each.
  • In the Highveld, pine and eucalyptus forestry is practiced, with plantation forests present.
  • In the Lowveld, sugarcane cultivation is common.

In the Highveld, pine and eucalyptus forestry is practiced, and plantation forests are present . Even without forests, you may find traces of logging .

Close to Piggs Peak

The country is divided into Highveld, Middleveld, and Lowveld based on elevation, with distinct agricultural practices. In the Lowveld, sugarcane is commonly cultivated.


